Our Church History

In the Autumn of 1877 an itinerant wood-chopping Baptist Preacher named Wann came to the farm of Mr. Sam Orten, known now as Highley Heights and the farm of Mr. & Mrs. Ben Goode, to chop cord wood.  He sought and obtained permission from the patrons of the OrtenvilleSchool District to hold religious services in their school house which was located approximately one hundred yards from the intersection of North Main-North Grant and the Bonne Terre road. These services resulted in a revival. 


Following the revival a group met and organized Ortenville Baptist Church.  Unfortunately we do not have record of exact date; our first information and records of a functioning church are in 1878.  Fire destroyed the school building in 1893.  The congregation voted to build a new house for worship and a lease was obtained on the corner of Lincoln and Locust Streets.  The new building was completed in 1894.


During the ninety plus years of our church history her fortunes have ebbed and flowed with the times and has grown to hold recognition of prominence among the churches of the association and State.


In 1930 a basement was put under the auditorium.  In 1938, under the leadership of Pastor J. R., Wagoner, the sanctuary was completely remodeled.  In 1951 an educational building was erected during the pastorate of W. T. Lewis. 


After many months of study and planning the decision to relocate and purchase ground for a new building was made in February, 1965.  Thus the present property was purchased from the St. Joseph Lead Company.  The new building was occupied in August 1969 with dedication day on August 24. 


In 2007 the members of FBC Desloge enjoyed cutting the ribbon on the new Family Ministry Center. Thousands of people each month take advantage of recreation and exercise in a Christian environment.